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Rated 3.2/5 based on 22 customer reviews.
October 11, 2019 23:25

I went in to do the "free" challenged and ended up getting talked into doing the 12-month contract. After I realized how ridiculous it was the next day, I tried to cancel and was made to run around trying to contact an "Account Manager" who could handle this. I had to invoke the Georgia Fair Business Act, which gives you seven business days to cancel, and I never received a reply but I wasn't charged again... until a month later. I found out I started getting charged every week starting a few months ago. I'm currently disputing the charges with my credit card as Get Fit Now still hasn't responded and Emily (The owner) is on yet another vacation.

October 1, 2019 15:18

Get Fit Now has one of the worse contracts you can sign. Please be careful what you sign and make sure to ask questions.

My wife signed up to try the free challenge they had and they ended up getting her into doing the $3000+ 12-month contract. After talking it over with her and reviewing the contract, we decided to not proceed due to the outrageous demands and told Get Fit Now to cancel the contract (You get 7 business days per the GA Fair Business Act) and stop payment on any future payments. Fast forward a week ago and we realized they started charging us a month after we cancelled and we didn't realized until now they have been charging every week like clockwork. Anyways, chargebacks are your friend and it should get resolved in our favor.

So please read what they put into the contract and double check how much they are actually charging you! Also familiarize yourself with the Georgia Fair Business Act, it can save you some heartache and many dollars in your pocket. I know there are several other ladies that had these issues with Get Fit Now and I unequivocally do not recommend these guys.

July 31, 2018 16:47

I gave 3 stars, not because of the program actually not being free. It was because about 3 weeks in I had medical issues and felt weak. I met up with a "coach" I guess you can call him and he was attempting to persuade me to join the gym. I couldn't afford it and honestly I felt pressured. If I could have afforded the membership I would have joined. I loved the classes and loved the challenge and the ladies (both trainers and others attending the classes) were great. Within the first 2 weeks I lost a good amount of weight already (although my goal was body fat). I also had medical issues that I tried to work out through but couldn't and I most certainly didn't feel like telling a guy my issues. I ended up signing up for a membership and either way I couldn't go. I ended up canceling since I could not attend. I was not offered to even finish my 3 week period. I lost 8 lbs after I left the program because of my health issue so I guess it worked out.

I am not discouraging anyone from trying this program because if you HONESTLY try, this program is great. However I do think there should be some changes as far as situations with one's body. It was totally out my control.

I also didn't appreciate being told "Why wouldn't you husband want you to have a membership, doesn't he want a sexier wife?"
If anyone knows my husband, he loves these hips and prefers me at this weight but he knows I want to lose it. I can be big and sexy and I am sexy how I am now. I want to be happy WITH MYSELF. I mean I love my husband but he doesn't live in my skin every day. I want to be happy, my husband didn't sign me up for this and he couldn't careless if I went to a gym.

Again, I am not discouraging anyone from trying this program. The people rock, the atmosphere is awesome. I just didn't have the best of luck with my current life situation to finish the program and I really wanted to. Don't get discouraged about any money as far as the 6 week challenge. You can achieve it. The goals are realistic. You show up, work hard, go home, eat right and do other types of physical activities as well and you WILL reach your goal. If it were affordable I would have a membership but I just can't at this point in my life.

July 13, 2018 21:01

I've been going to Get Fit Now for a few years. The owners are genuinely interested in your health and success. The trainers have been fantastic! They hold you accountable by weekly weigh ins and a private Facebook group that really provides that support system you need to succeed in your fitness journey no matter what your goals are. The gym has great equipment and you can tell they really take care of the place. Plus they have showers :)

July 13, 2018 21:01

I've been going to Get Fit Now for a few years. The owners are genuinely interested in your health and success. The trainers have been fantastic! They hold you accountable by weekly weigh ins and a private Facebook group that really provides that support system you need to succeed in your fitness journey no matter what your goals are. The gym has great equipment and you can tell they really take care of the place. Plus they have showers :)

July 9, 2018 16:22

Stay away from this place! Once they have your money there is no one to talk to!! I have been chasing them for weeks and keep getting passed around from one person to the next. They promise things and do not deliver. And don't even get me started on their non existent customers care.... FIND A DIFFERENT PLACE TO WORK OUT IN!!

July 9, 2018 16:22

Stay away from this place! Once they have your money there is no one to talk to!! I have been chasing them for weeks and keep getting passed around from one person to the next. They promise things and do not deliver. And don't even get me started on their non existent customers care.... FIND A DIFFERENT PLACE TO WORK OUT IN!!

July 2, 2018 14:33

I was led to believe the challenge was free which turns out it's not. HOWEVER, I took the plunge after I was weighed and my body fat was measured by a handheld device that could be bought at Best Buy for $40. Despite all of this, I signed a contract agreeing to pay a deposit of $500 for 6 weeks of what I was led on to believe was a much more personal experience with someone dedicated to help me specifically (making this gym different than say just getting a membership at LA fitness which I currently have). I did not realize that the "accountability" aspect of GetFitNow was just a helpline to which I can text a random person or post in a Facebook group.  There's nothing personal about that.  For a challenge advertised as free but requiring a $500 deposit, I expected more.

Lastly, in regards to the nutrition plan they gave me, I had my friend who is a certified nutritionist look over it. I was given the 0 fat diet plan. She strongly advised against this even for just 6 weeks. Fats are necessary but in moderation.

In conclusion, if you have $500 to waste, do the 6 challenge. If you want a more personal experience for your body, invest your $500 into some sessions with a 1 on 1 personal trainer.

July 2, 2018 14:33

I was led to believe the challenge was free which turns out it's not. HOWEVER, I took the plunge after I was weighed and my body fat was measured by a handheld device that could be bought at Best Buy for $40. Despite all of this, I signed a contract agreeing to pay a deposit of $500 for 6 weeks of what I was led on to believe was a much more personal experience with someone dedicated to help me specifically (making this gym different than say just getting a membership at LA fitness which I currently have). I did not realize that the "accountability" aspect of GetFitNow was just a helpline to which I can text a random person or post in a Facebook group.  There's nothing personal about that.  For a challenge advertised as free but requiring a $500 deposit, I expected more.

Lastly, in regards to the nutrition plan they gave me, I had my friend who is a certified nutritionist look over it. I was given the 0 fat diet plan. She strongly advised against this even for just 6 weeks. Fats are necessary but in moderation.

In conclusion, if you have $500 to waste, do the 6 challenge. If you want a more personal experience for your body, invest your $500 into some sessions with a 1 on 1 personal trainer.

June 8, 2018 12:57

Stay away from this place! Once they have your money there is no one to talk to!! I have been chasing them for weeks and keep getting passed around from one person to the next. They promise things and do not deliver. And don't even get me started on their non existent customers care.... FIND A DIFFERENT PLACE TO WORK OUT IN!!

March 24, 2018 09:46

Jenna has been an amazing trainer during the 6 Week Challenge at Get Fit Now with her high energy personality and workouts! As someone who has not worked out in nearly three years, she works diligently to correct and perfect my form while keeping me focused on completing solid reps. She has high expectations of her class and ensures that we are sticking to our fitness goals. Thanks to Jenna, I am losing body fat and gaining strength, muscle, and flexibility!

March 23, 2018 17:35

Get Fit Now is a great place to help you meet your fitness and nutritional goals! The coaches push you and help you every step of the way. If you are looking for a place to help meet your goals, this is the place to come. I have lost 15 pounds so far and it has changed my life. I am eating healthier and I feel better about myself. Thanks Get Fit Now! You are the best!

March 23, 2018 11:04

Trainers Meghan and Jenna are awesome! They are consistently correcting your form, encouraging you through workouts and keep the workouts fun and interesting. I joined them in Jan 2018, and have managed to lost 12 lbs since I started. I def feel little better about myself, have more to go, and feel confident I will be able to reach my goal by May.

February 24, 2018 12:37

As someone who has dealt with weight management their entire life, I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THE 6 WEEK CHALLENGE TO ANYONE.

The challenge is NOT FREE and DOES INVOLVE $500 RISK. You must put down $500 to be a part of the challenge. The challenge is only "free" (your $500 is refunded back to you) if you lose 6% body fat OR 25 pounds in a 6 week period, which for the average person is an UNREALISTIC goal and for most VERY UNHEALTHY and much too RAPID to be sustainable. If you do not mind possibly losing $500, then again, join. If $500 is important to you, you are better to join other fitness centers and take your time to lose weight at a comfortable pace leading to long term life changes.

I don't recommend the 6 week challenge because the system is one size fits all; weight loss is NOT that. There is no customization. The meal plan for the challenge is mediocre at best. There is one meal plan for everyone in category A, one meal plan for category B, and one meal plan for vegetarians. Before I began my challenge, I consumed meat regularly. When I started my challenge in October, I opted for the vegetarian choice. If I was not a vegetarian during this challenge, I WOULD NOT have made my goal.

I never missed a single class and gave it my all. My goal was 6% body fat; as I worked my way through the challenge, I began to lose more weight than anything, which is such an accomplishment! Though I was still burning fat, my body fat percentages were reading higher than they actually were due to my weight loss. Instead of celebrating the fact that I was losing weight, I was panicking because my body fat wasn't moving and I had $500 on the line. When on any fitness regimen, you should celebrate all victories! But because the challenge puts a set target on what you MUST accomplish, instead of feeling PROUD you feel PRESSURED. And you MUST LOSE EXACTLY 6% or more body fat or 25 pounds to "win" your money back - NO EXCEPTIONS. (The challenge for most eventually turns to being less about hitting your goal and more about getting your money back.)

In order to meet my goal, I WATER FASTED for 7 DAYS through Thanksgiving. I put myself through torture because I couldn't afford to lose $500. The 6 week challenge made me HATE my involvement in it and if you are unfamiliar with what a healthy lifestyle actually consists of, it can even skew your perception on what it actually is like to live a healthy life. A healthy lifestyle doesn't put a time constrain on accomplishments; it doesn't stress you out; it doesn't make you wager money; it is actually enjoyable and doesn't require you to do things you usually wouldn't do to meet a certain goal. But the 6 week challenge is all of those things.

Additionally, once you are finished with the challenge, in order to get your refund, you MUST write a 5 star review on Google and YELP (which is completely unethical, bribery, and a scam, and also it is NOT a part of the initial contract you sign) and do a testimonial speaking on how much you "love" GFN. I immediately deleted my reviews after to write an honest account of my experience.

Most women do not meet the goal; if they do, laxatives, fasting, over-exercising, etc. was usually involved. The premise of the business IS UNETHICAL; they don't care about you and your health - it is all about money for them. I now have personal relationships with former employees of the gym who left because of those reasons. I did not lose my 6% BF, but I did lose the 25 lbs. I received my refund within a month's time. I truly lost 10 pounds (a win). The rest of my weight lost was just water weight. I "gained back" 15 pounds from from returning to a normal lifestyle and that was PERFECTLY FINE with me! I was so grateful to returned to a lifestyle where I had freedom and could work at MY OWN PACE to meet MY GOALS. But as someone who was previously heavily involved in health and fitness and has a high level of dedication and personal accountability, the challenge was a NIGHTMARE for me. JOIN AT YOUR OWN RISK!

January 17, 2018 14:46

I successfully completed the challenge on Dec 16th 2017. I lost 25 pounds and was told it'd take 2 weeks for them to process my refund. When I didn't receive my refund after 2 weeks I called and no one there could help me. I was told to email their support person so I did. I received an email response asking me to do 2 reviews for them online and then to send them screenshots of the reviews. I was also asked to come in to do a video testimonial. None of this was a par of my agreement with them so I declined. I had already been warned by someone else that had completed the challenge a few weeks before me that she was having issues getting her money back. I wanted to give them a chance to give me my refund before I did any reviews. It's been over a month and I haven't gotten my money back or heard from anyone. I really hope I don't have to resort to taking them to court but I may have no other option.

Update*** I finally received my refund.

January 4, 2018 16:53

I should start by saying I've never been much of a gym-go-er before Get Fit Now. Participating in the 6 week challenge was the perfect incentive I needed to start showing up, but the experience and results are what kept me coming back. I lost 7.7% body fat in the first six weeks with hard work and lots of support. I loved being in a class with other women where I was being pushed but seeing results. I feel great, have received many compliments, and have developed a great healthy habit!

December 16, 2017 16:48

What an amazing experience at Get Fit Now! I completed their 6 week challenge with the other Fit Chicks, and what a life changing experience. I have type 2 Diabetes, and my number one goal was to get healthier and lower my blood sugar levels! Mission accomplished! Plus I am more toned, leaner, and I just feel amazing! This group of trainers and coaches does an outstanding job. So motivational and supportive. Always enthusiastic and determined to help everyone! Highest recommendation of this place!!

October 25, 2017 13:39

I just finished the 6 Week Fit Challenge with a goal to lose 6% Body Fat and lost 6.9% Body Fat! The workouts were great and the trainers were amazing and very helpful! The meal plan also played an important role for me in helping with portion control and I also was able to try new, creative, & healthy recipes. My coach through the 6 weeks (Hayley) was very helpful and supportive when checking in to see how the process was going. I would recommend trying the Get Fit Now 6 Week Challenge! Yes, you initially have to pay $500, but if you meet your goal, you can use that to roll over into a membership enrollment or get your money back. Either way, I used that and living a healthier lifestyle as a motivation factor and came out with great results!!

October 25, 2017 13:39

I love Get Fit Now Studios! The staff is encouraging and personable. In just six weeks, I got stronger, lost weight, and developed healthy lifestyle habits. Other programs offer either just a gym or just a diet. Get Fit Now includes a healthy, maintainable eating plan in addition to small group classes. I highly recommend that ladies check out this fitness family!

October 25, 2017 13:39

After following the diet plan they provided and attending at least 3 workouts per week for 6 weeks I was able to successfully lose 25.2 pounds! I also notice some definition in my arms, which are my weakest muscles. The exercises were challenging at times, but I liked that instead of forcing you to complete them, they provided variations.

October 25, 2017 13:39

I joined this gym as part of the 6 week fitness challenge. I found the advertisement on social media and it was super easy getting started. Although they advertised it as free, it was more a marketing tactic so it is free ONLY if you successfully the complete the challenge. I do think it's worth it if you are going to follow the plan 100% but never gamble with money you can't afford to lose.
Anywho, what I did like about the challenge is it was a strong focus on nutrition. Every other gym I've been to focuses more on the workouts and here is the only place I have been able to see amazing results. I lost 6.1% in body fat over the course. And the meal plan is pretty flexible than what most would think. It was just a great overall experience and I look forward to continuing eating as clean as possible (with a bit more room for error) to look and feel healthier!

June 15, 2015 17:43

I have been a client of Emily and Dustin Napier's since January of 2015. I can not tell you how much they have done for me. I have lost just over 40 pounds because of their stellar training. Not only do they know what they are doing, they truly CARE. They care about my health and how I feel. I highly, highly recommend get fit now personal training to everyone. Especially someone that needs to loose 25+ pounds. They have taught me so much and I can not thank them enough for the way they have helped me change my life. Oh and they offer great meal plans that helped as well. But the training is by far the best I have ever had.

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