Looking forfit46 - Barre and Cardio locations inSavannah? USLocalGyms helps you find all location inSavannah,GA. There are a total of 1fit46 - Barre and Cardio gyms inSavannah. On the map below you can see all the locations of gyms in the city. Going to the page of the gym from the list, you can see the opening hours, services, read reviews of those who have used the services. If you have visitedfit46 - Barre and Cardio inSavannah, please leave a review about your visit. The closest locations to you are:5500 White Bluff Rd, Savannah, GA 31405

fit46 - Barre and Cardio Near Mefit46 - Barre and Cardio

fit46 - Barre and Cardio

  • Distance:7.84 mi
  • Address:5500 White Bluff Rd, Savannah, GA 31405
  • Phone:(912) 660-5292
  • Reviews:6

Always a good workout at Fit46. Anne is always so friendly and welcoming to everyone. Good workout for beginners and advanced!. Fit46 is a great studio where you can get a lot of different types of workouts depending on your preference: Cardio, Barre, Piloxing, Barre Bounce, Lift+Flow, just to name a few! It's also great for parents because there is childcare available for most classes! The owner, Anne, is awesome too!... more
