Meghan McGrath
March 20, 2018 13:04
I've been an NASM certified trainer for 4 years teaching everything from cardio kickboxing, intervals to heavy weight training. I've also run a total of eight marathons over nine years as a distance runner and I have NEVER had my IDEAL body until I started corepower yoga. I never would've imagined something as relaxing as yoga would give me that especially when I spend an hour here and not four...
The schedule is the most flexible I've ever seen and as I travel for work, it's so nice that I can use my membership in other cities and still stay fit during my travel weeks.
Despite the insane workout it also really calms you--in a distance relationship doing yoga has greatly reduced my anxiety over travel logistics and typical long-distance issues and it's really helped my interpersonal relationships.
I'm seriously frugal so deciding to join a studio took a lot for me...I kept doing inexpensive "offer" visits at several studios across Atlanta and this was by far the most consistently good, clean, convenient studio with the most flexible schedule.
They also have bathrooms and lockers and everything you'd hope for if you go directly before or after work. The price for unlimited is so so so worth how visibly toned you get and how level-headed and relaxed it makes you feel.
Working at campus gyms, corporate gyms and small gyms I've tried yoga many times and always hated it until I tried this and it is even less intimidating than group fitness beginner yoga at a campus gym so I feel really welcome to make mistakes and try my hardest and get the most out of it without feeling judged.