JLoring Salon and Spa
October 25, 2017 07:52
Some how my review was removed, so I am going to write a new one! Pro Pilates is an amazing place, the atmosphere is positive and relaxing. I am a local hairstylist and have had a few shoulder and back problems from doing blow-outs. After coming in for a few of Tonka's a classes, using the reformers for about a month, my back began to feel less tension and the pain now is gone. Tonka's class may be a tough one, but I promise you if you want to be pushed she is the one to go to. If your goal is to relive pain or strengthen your core Pro Pilates is the place to go. All I ask is that you go in with an open mind and the courage to get through the classes. Its tough, but my 2 years in the U.S. Army and 8 months in Iraq was tough too...You can do it, just go in with your 100%!!!