Irma Davila
October 25, 2017 12:58
"You gotta put in the work". You will hear Drew Preiss, owner and head trainer at FX FItness Studio say all the time. I am the absolute worst client. I am a whiner, a complainer, a joker and I hate sweating. Despite all of these things, Drew continues to motivate me to reach my goals -- even though most days I think he would rather put a muzzle on me-- instead, he convinces me to work harder. The location is PRISTINE and his style is authoritative, but not in a drill sergeant kind of way and encouraging, more like a big brother. The high intensity class structure is one hour tops and works well within my schedule to commute downtown. Class size is still small enough to where I feel like I am getting personal attention and motivation.
I encourage you to check it out...I know he does a free class to start.