Eric Smith
April 25, 2018 19:33
I've been going here on and off for about 2 years. I prefer to use LA Fitness in the mall occasionally because it's deserted most of the time, but relocating the Stratford gym and opening the Orange location has reduced the attendance here, so it's not too bad during peak hours. They have all the necessary equipment. The staff seems friendlier in Orange, though. Here they're bipolar or something. One day I'll walk in and the front desk personnel will turn and greet me, the next day I'm invisible, the next day I get some awkward, insincere fist bump, the next day they're acting normal again. Depends on the staff, but ... whatever. I guess it's just human nature. I was in there last week and some plus sized blonde girl tried to stare into my soul for a solid five seconds as I was passing by to go do push-ups on the green. I glanced over and she was just creepily staring, so I stared back. People do weird stuff at the gym. Anyway, it's a decent gym, so 3 stars for the equipment and the socially awkward staff.