Addison Howard
February 6, 2018 00:32
I started going to the gym because it was near my office. But even though I have since switched jobs and moved, I still make the 30 min trek each way, 5 days a week because of how great it is! I've been attending for almost two years now and not only love the programming and fitness element of it (I've noticed way better improvements than I ever have working out by myself), but the community is really great. It's low ego, low intimidation, but still pushes you to get the most out of your workout to meet your own individual goals. Everyone is here for a variety of different reasons, missions, and each of us are able to get after that to the best we can while encouraging each other along the way. It's also so great to have such diversity in people that make for a really unique and inviting atmosphere!
I also really like the overall mindset the gym has into focusing on long-term health and fitness. The owner, Caleb, is always asking "What's your why?" - if it's not rooted in the right things, then the warmth of the bed will beat the sweat in the gym on a snowy morning any day. But by making sure we understand the long-lasting impact our health has, the effort is worth it every time. It's not about trying to lose a few pounds/add some muscle to have a better looking summer body (although that's certainly a nice side effect!), but it's about making sure we'll still be healthy 10, 25, 50 years from now.
I love that the gym has an in-house nutritionist, and understands how much our physical health starts in the kitchen just as much as it does in the gym. And while I don't get to go to them as often as I like, the gym puts on lots of seminars teaching on very specific topics that are designed with long-term health in mind.
I don't have any kids, but I like that RISE has a program for families with teenagers that you can clearly tell get great community and fitness out of it. I also think it's great to see a lot of parents bring their kids to the gym while they work out. There's no daycare or anything, but they all have fun hanging out at the front while the parents work out - it shows that the gym is focused on removing any obstacles you may have to make sure you can get your workout in!
Overall - an easy 5/5. I love it here, and have no plans to leave anytime soon.