Lisa Jones
October 23, 2017 08:44
This was my favorite spin class I've taken so far. It's the only place I've been to where the bikes are in a stadium setting. So you're stacked above the people in front of you and can see the instructor better. I thought that was really cool. The monitors on the bikes also light up depending on what "burn zone" you're in. So when the instructor would say, "I want to see everyone in the red" it was a visual goal to achieve.
The studio is one of those that you have to check in on your own on an iPad. So there's no one around to explain what to do for new riders or where to leave your stuff. Luckily, it's not a large studio so it's easy to figure out.
The class I took was Epic Burn. The website described it as cardio and strength circuit. This led me to believe that it would be cycling mixed with something else. Nope. 45 minutes of straight bike work. I'd only ever done cycling combo classes until now. Needless to say, I somehow survived and thoroughly enjoyed it.