Kevin Kyle
July 25, 2018 16:40
I don't just throw around 5 stars. This 5 star rating is earned. The River really delivers in what I consider the three most important areas:
The instructors are all knowledgeable, helpful, and unique. There are many different teaching styles, though they all share a similar passion for enriching people's lives with yoga.
Number of Classes
There are 2 or 3 classes every morning, lunch time, and evening. I work a flexible job, so it's really nice to have more than just one morning and one evening class. Check their website out to see the exhaustive schedule
The River cultivates a very open culture where everyone is welcome. I felt right at home on my first class, and continue to make more friends and acquaintances who I look forward to seeing at the studio. It's not pretentious here at all, and it's the furthest thing from the scripted YogaCorp style I've seen at some of the big chains. Simply put, it's a great place full of a lot of great people.
Finally, I've heard some folks lament overcrowded classes and hectic check-ins. If you get there less than 5 minutes before class, yeah, it's going to be a bit hectic. I learned this the hard way. But every single time my 6'5" godzilla looking self came lumbering into a jam packed room at 5:59 PM for a 6 PM class the instructors and classmates ALWAYS scooted around to make one more mat space. Sure, you're going to have to adjust some poses and you cant just go flying around when the place is fully packed, but there's an electric energy that comes form a packed room full of good people getting their asses kicked.