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  • Address:2838 Diamond St, San Francisco, CA 94131
  • Phone:(415) 334-7697
  • Website:
  • Rating:1.3
  • Hours:
Mon 06:00 am - 08:00 pm
Tue 06:00 am - 08:00 pm
Wed 06:00 am - 08:00 pm
Thu 06:00 am - 08:00 pm
Fri 06:00 am - 08:00 pm
Sat 06:00 am - 08:00 pm
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Rated 1.3/5 based on 7 customer reviews.
February 1, 2020 05:24

I like this gym for its convenient location for me. I just wish it was not so crowded in the gym area and locker room.

October 20, 2017 11:22

Don't do it. Go somewhere else and have a great workout.

Really weird experience. I called their number to get pricing, availability, and to get matched up with a trainer. I left a message and a day or so later someone called back (Mike). The call went fine, Mike was pretty specific on what he put into a workout and what he wouldn't. For example I was interested in added Kettle bells as I like the challenge, he was not a fan.

He gave a range of what it cost, we loosely scheduled (not confirmed yet) a workout the following week. I would need to print and fill out paperwork from their site and drop off prior.

I came by with the paperwork and MIke was the guy at the studio. He seemed not very happy for some reasons (no idea why). I told him I was there to drop off paperwork ahead of Monday's workout that we had talked about earlier in the week. He seemed impatient and said that he had already booked that time with another client (OK, makes sense to me it's Friday).

He then flipped to the part of the paper work that requires me to sign and acknowledge some of the pricing information. That pricing is blank on the form--I don't sign blank forms. I told him I didn't know the pricing (it varying depending on how many sessions to buy at once). He very abruptly said--"I told you the pricing on the phone". He DIDN'T say--"OK, here's what the pricing is and I'll put that in for you so you can sign it".

Really evident he didn't want to talk to me, to explain anything, and wasn't interested in a new client. After I said "well maybe this won't work out then" he just turned and walked away.

Amazing poor customer service. I'll choose to look at this interaction as a gift. I won't be spending my money and time with a jerk who doesn't like his customers.

There may be other trainers there that are great, I don't know. I'll look elsewhere, I'll recommend others do the same.

October 20, 2017 11:22

I imagine how this guy treat his customers... i was walking by his front door and he start to yelling at me cause i was smoking a cigarette, funny thing is i was walking by at the curb, he probably thinks he owns the public pavement too, really rude and annoying person, unbelievable.

May 11, 2017 14:23

I imagine how this guy treat his customers... i was walking by his front door and he start to yelling at me cause i was smoking a cigarette, funny thing is i was walking by at the curb, he probably thinks he owns the public pavement too, really rude and annoying person, unbelievable.

May 11, 2017 14:23

I imagine how this guy treat his customers... i was walking by his front door and he start to yelling at me cause i was smoking a cigarette, funny thing is i was walking by at the curb, he probably thinks he owns the public pavement too, really rude and annoying person, unbelievable.

September 25, 2015 12:23

Don't do it. Go somewhere else and have a great workout.

Really weird experience. I called their number to get pricing, availability, and to get matched up with a trainer. I left a message and a day or so later someone called back (Mike). The call went fine, Mike was pretty specific on what he put into a workout and what he wouldn't. For example I was interested in added Kettle bells as I like the challenge, he was not a fan.

He gave a range of what it cost, we loosely scheduled (not confirmed yet) a workout the following week. I would need to print and fill out paperwork from their site and drop off prior.

I came by with the paperwork and MIke was the guy at the studio. He seemed not very happy for some reasons (no idea why). I told him I was there to drop off paperwork ahead of Monday's workout that we had talked about earlier in the week. He seemed impatient and said that he had already booked that time with another client (OK, makes sense to me it's Friday).

He then flipped to the part of the paper work that requires me to sign and acknowledge some of the pricing information. That pricing is blank on the form--I don't sign blank forms. I told him I didn't know the pricing (it varying depending on how many sessions to buy at once). He very abruptly said--"I told you the pricing on the phone". He DIDN'T say--"OK, here's what the pricing is and I'll put that in for you so you can sign it".

Really evident he didn't want to talk to me, to explain anything, and wasn't interested in a new client. After I said "well maybe this won't work out then" he just turned and walked away.

Amazing poor customer service. I'll choose to look at this interaction as a gift. I won't be spending my money and time with a jerk who doesn't like his customers.

There may be other trainers there that are great, I don't know. I'll look elsewhere, I'll recommend others do the same.

September 25, 2015 12:23

Don't do it. Go somewhere else and have a great workout.

Really weird experience. I called their number to get pricing, availability, and to get matched up with a trainer. I left a message and a day or so later someone called back (Mike). The call went fine, Mike was pretty specific on what he put into a workout and what he wouldn't. For example I was interested in added Kettle bells as I like the challenge, he was not a fan.

He gave a range of what it cost, we loosely scheduled (not confirmed yet) a workout the following week. I would need to print and fill out paperwork from their site and drop off prior.

I came by with the paperwork and MIke was the guy at the studio. He seemed not very happy for some reasons (no idea why). I told him I was there to drop off paperwork ahead of Monday's workout that we had talked about earlier in the week. He seemed impatient and said that he had already booked that time with another client (OK, makes sense to me it's Friday).

He then flipped to the part of the paper work that requires me to sign and acknowledge some of the pricing information. That pricing is blank on the form--I don't sign blank forms. I told him I didn't know the pricing (it varying depending on how many sessions to buy at once). He very abruptly said--"I told you the pricing on the phone". He DIDN'T say--"OK, here's what the pricing is and I'll put that in for you so you can sign it".

Really evident he didn't want to talk to me, to explain anything, and wasn't interested in a new client. After I said "well maybe this won't work out then" he just turned and walked away.

Amazing poor customer service. I'll choose to look at this interaction as a gift. I won't be spending my money and time with a jerk who doesn't like his customers.

There may be other trainers there that are great, I don't know. I'll look elsewhere, I'll recommend others do the same.

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