Julio Carrillo Batta
October 25, 2017 06:10
Wow, I have never ever been a part of something quite like this. I was a 6 week challenger, and going through that experience has been amongst the hardest things I've ever done, but also one of the most rewarding. This is not the type of place that offers a quick fix, easy special pill, or any other pretense like that; it is 100% effort physically, mentally, and in my personal life, spiritually, which to me is the most important. Sometime during the challenge I posted online a reflection that great results require great effort, but also great surrender. I had to surrender my former unhealthy eating habits, no exercise, and convenience for fast food, and take on balanced nutrition, regular workout, and investment in cooking healthy food. This was a combined effort in my faith and in my practice: from following my Lord Jesus, I've learned how he humbly surrenders, and under the Spirit's guidance, He has given me a new mind to surrender to the harder things for prolonged and eternal enjoyment; from The Camp, I've learned the best way to exercise good form and safe posture in workouts, and what foods are best for leaning out, while retaining/building muscle and burning fat. Thanks to God's guidance and to the encouragement, educated direction, and motivation from The Camp staff, I am now a stronger person, in more than just one area of my life.