Theresa Fogarty
October 24, 2017 17:56
If I could leave ZERO STARS I would... BEWARE WHEN YOU SIGN UP FOR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS. This gym screwed me over. First set me up with a trainer who had an "open" schedule, once they had my money, that trainer wanted me to change my schedule to fit his... Not happening. They also DID NOT GIVE ME A COPY OF THE CONTRACT so I did not know what I was able to cancel in writing within 5 days,or else I would have done so. This company is so crooked and screws people over. I am now in a dispute with my bank over these charges. Stay away, go to a real gym, this place is a joke! Stephaon does not call anyone back,if he did I probably would not have all this headache I do now. Thank you for not helping....!!!!