Joe Montano
December 4, 2018 13:29
Rise nation is a small gym that uses versa climbers (can be a little rusty at this gym, needs maintenance) the actual workout is good, the lights are good, the music is good all that is good it's all to be expected BUT reserving climbers can be tricky since they CAN and THEY WILL give away your climber if it's a popular class, time, or both.
We had climbers reserved, but once we arrived, the climbers were magically given away to other people and we were stuck with the leftovers. But no, Jaime and the front desk just told us who got which climbers the moment we walked in. I even had email confirmations of the exact RESERVED climbers too. We were 20 minutes early, but we were accused of being late. They could've gave us a courtesy call or advanced notice to let the clients know the climbers are broken or we've been moved, but nothing.
The front desk girls can be mean at times not sure what's going on, but it's another tricky aspect of this gym.