Chris S
April 17, 2019 20:43
Can be chaotic and the staff can be a bit unprofessional and stand offish. Trainers don't have time and it's probably not in their pay grade to do much one on one coaching. Some of the moves can lead to back injuries and pain. The floor can be crowded and running into people is hard to avoid. Also there's a strong emphasis on social media so if you're not an Instagram kid then you might feel a bit out of place. This place is good to restart your health and fitness journey but it's not a good long term solution. It's to fitness, wellness and healthy living what fast food is to dining. Haven't been to a gym in awhile? Go there for two months and then switch to 24hr fitness a block away for 1/4 the price where they have HITT classes, more space, a pool and friendlier people.