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  • Address:8640 Hayden Pl, Culver City, CA 90232
  • Phone:(310) 287-9886
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  • Rating:4.6
  • Hours:
Mon 08:00 am - 09:15 pm
Tue 08:00 am - 09:15 pm
Wed 08:00 am - 09:15 pm
Thu 08:00 am - 09:15 pm
Fri 08:00 am - 09:15 pm
Sat 08:00 am - 06:00 pm
Sun 08:00 am - 06:00 pm
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Rated 4.6/5 based on 20 customer reviews.
November 2, 2019 10:27

My kids all go here and they all enjoy it. They are currently on team at level 4 and 5 . They practice 4 hours a day 4 days a week. My son also does a 1 hour ninja class.

May 4, 2019 13:36

JR Roughton "that's not going to happen" he stated from his chair in the office.

My 4 year old daughter was so upset and embarrass by whatever a male "coach" said to her she bowed her head and held her hands in her lap! I've never seen her react like that. So could not have been the best way to have addressed her? I explained what I saw / had happened to the women behind the desk. They apologized and appeared concerned. The response you'd expect from caring professionals. We agreed IF my daughter seemed affected that the coach would talk to her or apologize. BUT apparently the tag line "we do good things for kids" is a monetary slogan not a mission statement.
"That's not going to happen" ..... No common courtesy what so ever....I tried to catch my breathe and establish who was being so rude just after I thought an amicable decision had been made. But apparently he is the VP? Angrily, I replied "and this is your idea of customer service?" In response he said you don't have to be here at this gym and has my daughter removed from the class? Wow, what type of management does this? Dismisses a patrons parental concern and expels a child before the class ends??!!!! Anne Josephson claims to be an advocate for kids and women's rights lets see if she even bats an eye at this sort of behavior since she is a vicarious participant in all of her staffs actions?

March 26, 2019 19:17

this is my second home. Amazing sized gym. I love the coaches and facilities. The coaches are perfectly hard on the student. My kid is learning really fast and is getting really good. We love jag gym!

March 3, 2019 07:52

I Miss Them So Much

March 27, 2018 06:42

Upon first glance, I felt this location was very stuffy, I was looked up and down as though I had a calculated figure taped to my forehead. Yes folks, this is Jag Gym center. I have been to many parties, but this place is not anything special.
My child was given a horrible introduction to a class that she was way too advanced for, simply by attending a few classes at another school she outperformed most of the students, the teacher could not have been older than 16 years, maybe 18 at best, the observation areas were littered with trash and debris, and it was just chaos all over the place. Following my confusion as to where I should look into classes for sign up, I was given a snark look as though I couldnt afford their school. It was profiling, super uncomfortable, and believe me, I can and will pay whatever I need to for my kids, but this place is just stupid expensive.
If you fall for this place, an over priced play center, than you are a total sucker! Do some fact checking, why does every class get funneled into the gift shop at the end of the session? Why does the staff "size you up" before they are willing to provide pricing, how is it possible people are willing to throw away $3.00 a MINUTE for this junk? I mean filfthy common areas, no real gymnastics going on, teenie bopper coaches, and selective enrollment. Im sure they will respond on how great they are, their tuition is high because it is worth it (I call BS on that!), and how they will look into my concerns.
Sorry, Ive seen what I needed to see and experience, if you want to throw your kid into a bunk wannabe gymnastics class that is WAY over priced, you have at it but we are out and telling all of our friends to look elsewhere. Dont get scammed into crappy classes for jaw dropping prices just so NOT worth it!

October 18, 2017 11:45

Bring your kids and get them trained up. Build self confidence and have fun.

October 18, 2017 11:45

They really 'do good things for kids"

October 18, 2017 11:45

My son loves going to JAG. It's our weekly activity. We have done another gym for a while but JAG is the best. I don't think we will be switching anytime soon. The coaches/staff are great and always know us by name, which is a big deal for his mother! I have never had a financial problem with them like others have said. I had to cancel for a month because we were traveling and didn't have problem. So many good things I could say!

October 18, 2017 11:45

Been teaching gymnastics 8 years at 3 different gyms, I've been at JAG now for 2 years and there's no place like it. For staff and students, a great place to be.

October 18, 2017 11:45

The quality of gymnastics taught at JAG is amazing. They're able to incorporate the fun side of gymnastics along with the safe side of gymnastics and the outcome is terrific! The coaches are so in love with what they do, and the facility is absolutely breath-taking!

April 26, 2017 18:38

Bring your kids and get them trained up. Build self confidence and have fun.

April 26, 2017 18:38

Bring your kids and get them trained up. Build self confidence and have fun.

August 9, 2016 15:40

My son loves going to JAG. It's our weekly activity. We have done another gym for a while but JAG is the best. I don't think we will be switching anytime soon. The coaches/staff are great and always know us by name, which is a big deal for his mother! I have never had a financial problem with them like others have said. I had to cancel for a month because we were traveling and didn't have problem. So many good things I could say!

August 9, 2016 15:40

My son loves going to JAG. It's our weekly activity. We have done another gym for a while but JAG is the best. I don't think we will be switching anytime soon. The coaches/staff are great and always know us by name, which is a big deal for his mother! I have never had a financial problem with them like others have said. I had to cancel for a month because we were traveling and didn't have problem. So many good things I could say!

August 9, 2016 15:35

Been teaching gymnastics 8 years at 3 different gyms, I've been at JAG now for 2 years and there's no place like it. For staff and students, a great place to be.

August 9, 2016 15:35

Been teaching gymnastics 8 years at 3 different gyms, I've been at JAG now for 2 years and there's no place like it. For staff and students, a great place to be.

August 9, 2016 14:52

They really 'do good things for kids"

August 9, 2016 14:52

They really 'do good things for kids"

August 20, 2015 14:09

The quality of gymnastics taught at JAG is amazing. They're able to incorporate the fun side of gymnastics along with the safe side of gymnastics and the outcome is terrific! The coaches are so in love with what they do, and the facility is absolutely breath-taking!

August 20, 2015 14:09

The quality of gymnastics taught at JAG is amazing. They're able to incorporate the fun side of gymnastics along with the safe side of gymnastics and the outcome is terrific! The coaches are so in love with what they do, and the facility is absolutely breath-taking!

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