Claire Cheslak
June 23, 2019 12:19
can't say enough good things about Etel and her sign classes! I get so much enjoyment learning ASL with my 1-year-old but Etel's classes are SO much more than adding signs to your vocabulary each week. This is the parenting class I didn't know I needed, but am now so grateful to be enrolled in. Etel's energy radiates caring, understanding, patience, and a genuine love of teaching. She truly shines.
update: My child is now 2 years old, and I'm even more grateful for ASL than ever!!! Our pediatrician is impressed with her verbal communication (over 200 words and counting) and her tantrums fizzle out much more quickly. When her verbal breaks down as she's crying she switches to ASL and I can figure out much more quickly what's the matter and address the situation. The foundations laid in baby sign are helping me so so much with toddler-hood.