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  • Address:265 S Robertson Blvd #5, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
  • Phone:(310) 277-7446
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  • Rating:4.8
  • Hours:
Mon 09:00 am - 07:00 pm
Tue 09:00 am - 07:00 pm
Wed 09:00 am - 07:00 pm
Thu 09:00 am - 07:00 pm
Fri 09:00 am - 07:00 pm
Sat 09:00 am - 01:00 pm
Sun 09:00 am - 01:00 pm
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Rated 4.8/5 based on 18 customer reviews.
December 22, 2019 16:15

My daughter and I have completed our first session at SignShine and we both love it, it's the highlight of our week. We are already signed up for the next session. Not only are we learning relevant signs to enable baby to communicate with us but also learning fun ways to stimulate baby with developmentally appropriate games and songs. Etel is so bright and positive she keeps the class fun and energetic. Wether you are interested in learning to sign and teaching your baby to sign or you are just looking for a fun and different way to stimulate your baby in a group setting and meet other babies and parents, I would highly recommend SignShine.

Update: SignShine has been completely instrumental in the development of my daughter who is now 20 months. She started signing at 9.5 months and by her first birthday she was signing more than 20 words which grew to over 60 in the next couple months. It was incredible to be able to communicate with her at such a young age and for her to be able to tell us exactly what she wanted. By 15 months she was speaking and knew over 250 words and by 18 months was speaking in 5 word sentences. I have no doubt that her advanced speaking skills are due to the foundation she got with SignShine. I have multiple friends and family members who tried to do signing with their babies but had no idea how to start and how to implement it on a daily basis so they only taught their little ones a few basics. Even just knowing a handful of signs is helpful for a baby to communicate but the potential for what they can learn is so much more and SignShine gives you the direction you need to achieve that. I am very grateful to Etel at SignShine for providing us the tools to communicate so early on

July 8, 2019 15:14

What an amazing amazing experience!

Etel's life coaching abilities are unique and magical. She has the insight to understand you, including your strengths and weaknesses, to help you reach your goals and dreams. Her intuitive nature and warmth allows me to be comfortable expressing myself, especially at times where I have a hard time understanding what it is that is really blocking me. She helps unlock my heart, which is something that isn't so easy for me.

I'd recommend her classes to anyone looking to get deeper into their dreams and for those who truly want to manifest their desires. I'm also planning on taking her signing class for babies once I give birth as I've heard such amazing things from so many people about her class.

June 23, 2019 12:19

can't say enough good things about Etel and her sign classes!  I get so much enjoyment learning ASL with my 1-year-old but Etel's classes are SO much more than adding signs to your vocabulary each week.  This is the parenting class I didn't know I needed, but am now so grateful to be enrolled in.  Etel's energy radiates caring, understanding, patience, and a genuine love of teaching.  She truly shines.

update: My child is now 2 years old, and I'm even more grateful for ASL than ever!!! Our pediatrician is impressed with her verbal communication (over 200 words and counting) and her tantrums fizzle out much more quickly. When her verbal breaks down as she's crying she switches to ASL and I can figure out much more quickly what's the matter and address the situation. The foundations laid in baby sign are helping me so so much with toddler-hood.

June 6, 2019 11:46

Etel's class is the highlight of our week. We walk away from every class learning something fun and new! We love going so much we've signed up for a 2nd class!

May 24, 2019 18:25

Etel is a brilliant sign language teacher and parenting coach. Her sign language class is so much fun! I learn just as much about parenting as I do about sign language. I really wanted to give my baby the advantage of communicating early and I was going online without much progress. I really recommend Etels class. It's a huge gift to your child and she has tons of really effective parenting tips for little ones. She is a baby development expert. It's also a great play group. There are always new and interesting play toys and learning toys. The babies / toddlers are engaged throughout and thoroughly entertained. Skip the baby gyms and mom and me classes, and start with this before you do anything else.

February 22, 2018 10:28

Etel's skills are amazing and engaging. My eighteen month old thrives in her signshine classes and is signing her favorite things after just a couple exposures. There's nothing brighter than watching your baby learn, especially communication skills. So fun and important. My only regret is that we didn't begin sooner!

February 22, 2018 10:28

Etel's skills are amazing and engaging. My eighteen month old thrives in her signshine classes and is signing her favorite things after just a couple exposures. There's nothing brighter than watching your baby learn, especially communication skills. So fun and important. My only regret is that we didn't begin sooner!

October 18, 2017 11:44

Very incredible location. Great teachers. Highly recommended. Big variety of fun toys for kids to play with. Fun classes! Etel Leit is incredible :)

October 18, 2017 11:44

I recently completed the two month course with my 19 month old son. Amazingly, he has mastered and regularly uses 25 different signs. He can literally tell me what he'd like for lunch, or when he's ready to go for a walk. Etel is very passionate about her profession and approaches each class with enthusiasm and positivity- she makes it easier than expected to learn this valuable skill.

October 18, 2017 11:44

What a wonderful hub for families interested in signing! Sign language is an incredible tool for linguistic development and communication skills. I am so glad this resource exists!

October 18, 2017 11:44

An amazing place. You will learn so much stuff! I highly recommend this place. If you have kids they will love the classes

January 12, 2017 04:01

I recently completed the two month course with my 19 month old son. Amazingly, he has mastered and regularly uses 25 different signs. He can literally tell me what he'd like for lunch, or when he's ready to go for a walk. Etel is very passionate about her profession and approaches each class with enthusiasm and positivity- she makes it easier than expected to learn this valuable skill.

January 12, 2017 04:01

I recently completed the two month course with my 19 month old son. Amazingly, he has mastered and regularly uses 25 different signs. He can literally tell me what he'd like for lunch, or when he's ready to go for a walk. Etel is very passionate about her profession and approaches each class with enthusiasm and positivity- she makes it easier than expected to learn this valuable skill.

June 8, 2016 20:41

What a wonderful hub for families interested in signing! Sign language is an incredible tool for linguistic development and communication skills. I am so glad this resource exists!

June 8, 2016 20:41

What a wonderful hub for families interested in signing! Sign language is an incredible tool for linguistic development and communication skills. I am so glad this resource exists!

May 22, 2016 14:44

An amazing place. You will learn so much stuff! I highly recommend this place. If you have kids they will love the classes

May 22, 2016 14:44

An amazing place. You will learn so much stuff! I highly recommend this place. If you have kids they will love the classes

May 21, 2016 16:32

Very incredible location. Great teachers. Highly recommended. Big variety of fun toys for kids to play with. Fun classes! Etel Leit is incredible :)

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