Suzeb Merina
October 25, 2017 05:59
My wife and I started going to Radiant a few months ago, starting once a week and are now going twice, hope to do more. Let me state that I am not a "yogi", at least not yet in my mind, but have been welcomed into the culture here, very supportive of everyone. Great place/studio with an awesome group of instructors. Specifically, Ashley has been amazing, love her class on Saturday mornings. It is a butt kicker! In two plus months I have found my strength increasing, as well as my understating of the poses and flow of the class. I look forward to each class, Hot Yoga Power for one hour or the full Hot Yoga for an hour and twenty minutes. Also - they have two Little Peeps Yoga classes that are a mix of crafts and basic yoga poses (not hot!) that our daughter loves. She has fun while we sweat our butts off! Great Place!!!