Samuel Lemus
July 4, 2018 12:07
This is a perfect low cost gym in an area where all the gyms are either specialist or expensive. If you want to go for a treadmill, stairstepper, biking or eliptical run they have that. They also have a trx set with punching bag set up, yoga/wood floor room and a turf field for pulling and pushing exercises. 1 pure squat rack with 3 other racks for deadlifts, OHP,set ups. Fitted with a standard back pull, bar, tricep press, cable machine that can have up to 12 on the busiest of days.
This gym is always busy but they have ample parking and if you go on the off peak hours you will definitely have a free area.
This gym has a energetic staff which helps if you're looking for a trainer or if you're nervous on how to use a machine they can help.
For those interested I am aware that they have a 1-3 day pass that can help you determine if this is the right gym for you.
However if you're looking for a swimming pool, basketball court or similar sports court this is not the gym for you and for basketball,swimming specifically 24hour may be your best bet in the area.