Looking forSan Bernardino Fit Body Boot Camp locations inSan Bernardino? USLocalGyms helps you find all location inSan Bernardino,CA. There are a total of 1San Bernardino Fit Body Boot Camp gyms inSan Bernardino. On the map below you can see all the locations of gyms in the city. Going to the page of the gym from the list, you can see the opening hours, services, read reviews of those who have used the services. If you have visitedSan Bernardino Fit Body Boot Camp inSan Bernardino, please leave a review about your visit. The closest locations to you are:2715 E Foothill Blvd #14, Rialto, CA 92376

San Bernardino Fit Body Boot Camp Near MeSan Bernardino Fit Body Boot Camp

San Bernardino Fit Body Boot Camp

  • Distance:6.80 mi
  • Address:2715 E Foothill Blvd #14, Rialto, CA 92376
  • Phone:(909) 999-6793
  • Reviews:17

Trainers are very helpful. Boot camp workouts are only 30 minutes but definitely worth it! Both trainers Vicente and Ivis have helped me build and tone up!! They are never disrespectful or rude, they focus on helping out everyone! Great environment, everyone is friendly.... more
