Joseph Perrigoue
October 25, 2017 12:02
I have never been an elite athlete. More recently, I have not been in shape and wanted to change this. A friend told me about Crossfit, so I did a little research and called the nearest gym I could find. I have been very limited in my fitness abilities due to some injuries incurred while serving in Iraq. I have been plagued by several small injuries, and a couple large ones for 7 years. I began grunt school at Hammer CrossFit, and started to feel better after a week or so. I had the muscle soreness one would expect from a new fitness regime, but overall, I was feeling better! I am going to do CrossFit for the rest of my life! I believe the philosophy behind CrossFit can help ANYBODY. I believe it will help you. Just because I am not an elite athlete does not mean I wont benefit from being trained by one! One day, I will be an elite athlete.