Apryl Campbell
June 14, 2019 09:52
Triplex Training is a great complement for athletes, but is also for people that want a community atmosphere to workout in. The trainers are very knowledgeable, and genuinely interested in you as a person. They consistently check in on goals you've set for yourself.
They've helped me stay injury free through marathon training. Not only providing strength, but many stretching tools to keep me going.
Their programming has been a great way to introduce my teenage sons to strength based group fitness. I don't have to worry about injury as the coaches keep an eye out and correct their form as needed. Because they've taken an interest in them as individuals they know how to motivate them to work hard.
There are always little extras going on as well-5k's, marathon ski challenge, happy hour. You can be involved as you want. If you're looking for a great workout with awesome trainers and friendly clients this is the place.