Aaron Wilstead
January 16, 2018 21:31
I've been attending this club for a few years now, sure it may not be perfect, but this is why in my opinion 5 stars are DESERVED. One, it's close to work. It's like my second home how often I go there. And it's a good location for most people. Two, how open the layout is. Sure equipment gets worked on. People are people and it's a gym. Sweat is inevitable. Machines need repair and cleaning at times. Don't be afraid to clean things yourself. And three, customer service. Since I've been here they never hesitate to give people a welcoming greet and smile. BIG in my book. Especially on those rough days. They've always been trying to keep up with the needs of its members and the club, which is rough and no easy task. What I'm getting at is for a health club they're pretty awesome. Its been through a few managers since I've been there. Right now the manager, Dee, is turning things around for the better. She's more than willing to help members with whatever they need. Got a question? Got a concern? She, like get staff, are on top of it! Like I said. Awesome staff!